Monday, November 9, 2009

Chinese New Year Fair: February 6

The CAFAM board has done a quick-fix on the date of the 2010 fair. After discovering that the original date was the beginning of February school vacation, the board has re-scheduled the event for Saturday, February 6, at McAuley High School.

The school is proud that two of our parents are heading up the Fair Committee: Eileen Nunley and Patti Oldmixon.

School mom Jen DeCristoforo is heading up the Craft Committee, and dates have already been set for the super-fun Craft Prep day. Please save the date: January 16 (or January 23 in case of snow). If you can serve on the Craft Committee, please contact Jen at jdecristoforo (at sign) maine (dot) rr (dot) com.